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With profound sadness…



It is with a very heavy heart that we share with you that Bernadette–our lifelong friend and team member–passed into God’s arms yesterday morning (Saturday Feb. 20) after a years-long battle with cancer.  Her indomitable spirit and courage will continue to inspire us throughout our life times.

Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

May Bernadette be at peace.

May her family find comfort.

Eternal blessings.

For those of you who would like to honor your memories of Bernadette—her generosity, her kindness, her grace, her spirit, her courage, her strength, her sense of humor, her helpfulness, her wisdom—details of the visitation and funeral are below.

Visitation is Wednesday, February 24 from 3 – 9 p.m. at Lawn Funeral Home, 7909 State Road (5500 West), Burbank IL 60459. Funeral is Thursday, February 25 at St. Louis de Montfort at 10 a.m.. Interment private. Funeral info: 708.636.2320.

Thank you for your many thoughts and prayers.


The Gardner Eye Care Team.