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Dr. Dana DeVito

Dr. DeVito“We’re going on a bear hunt.”

Our Dr. DeVito brought Michael Rosen’s children’s book to life when she told us that she would need to join us in July instead of June, 2023 because she was going on a bear hunt with her family.

Yes.  Mouth open in astonishment.

We felt the same way.

And aren’t you so glad that we waited for her?

We sure are!

Dr. DeVito brings her intrepid spirit with her every day to Gardner Family Eye Care, where she is even more focused on her commitment to our patients’ eye health and vision than she was hunting (and getting!) a bear.

Growing up in a small town north of Kalamazoo MI, she spent a lot of time outdoors.  She’s hunted deer since she was very young when this was what her family ate for many of their meals.

Dr. DeVito has played volleyball all her life, including at Kalamazoo College where she captained the Varsity Volleyball team as a libero (If you know, you know! If not, please ask her!) and MVP.

Her interest in medicine began in undergraduate school, but after graduation, she spent some time doing real estate in New York City.  This allowed her to conduct thorough research to uncover the best match of Optometry schools for her.  She chose Indiana University, where she completed her optometric studies and, at the same time, began her MBA.

At IU, Dr. DeVito continued to excel in her studies and in her leadership.  She served as an associate instructor for 5 different optometry classes and was President of the Optometric Private Practice Club where she spear-headed the initiative to grow interest in Private practice optometry.  Dr. DeVito was elected Co-President/CEO of the national optometric private practice organization “SOLN” and was chosen Best Practices Student Honoree.

Dr. DeVito elected to complete externships at the John Dingell VA, the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Indiana University and a private practice in Burke, Virginia.

Among her other honors?  She was a member of Beta Sigma Kappa Optometric honor society, and the Gold Key Optometric honor society as well as various school clubs.

Dr. DeVito has spoken on several optometric podcasts on topics that she loves—specialty contact lenses, the treatment and management of dry eye, glaucoma, macular degeneration, ocular disease, and myopia.

It’s perfect that she has joined Gardner Family Eye Care because for 85 years, we have made it our mission to care for you and your family AND to TEACH YOU how to best care for your eye health and vision.

Perfect, because Dr. DeVito’s passion has included providing tools, knowledge, and connections that facilitate success among her patients and her peers.

Her passions, skills, commitment fit so well into all that we are here at Gardner Family Eye Care.

We are delighted she persevered and through all the challenges of her bear hunt and brought her spirit of adventure and passion and excellence here.

Here’s more about Dr. DeVito:

Why did you choose optometry?

I chose optometry because it allows you to help preserve the systemic and ocular health which are vital to maintaining one of our most valued senses – vision.

What do you LOVE about optometry?

I love seeing my patients enjoying life to their fullest ability by providing the care and resources to my patients to allow them to do this.

What are you life passions?

To help as many people as possible and provide them outstanding care.

What do you most enjoy doing during your free time?

I enjoy time with family, working out, traveling, staying active, and enjoying good food through restaurants or cooking.

What is your favorite childhood memory?

Spending time with family on the ocean in Rhode Island.

What is/are your favorite color(s)?


What music/ians do you love? and what do you love about it/them?

I really enjoy all music – country, classical, rock, pop, and metal. Andrea Bocelli is fantastic – the passion in his songs is unmatched. Having played the clarinet, I greatly appreciate any good music.

Tell us anything youd love for people to know about you…

I greatly value the benefits of a healthy lifestyle through nourishing the body with good foods and keeping active. This carries over into my patient care and helping my patients live their best lives