Let’s Look At Women’s Eye Health
We all know there are differences between men and women, but it might surprise you that some of those differences have to do with our eyes! In general, women are less likely than men to sustain an eye injury during their lifetime, but the unfortunate tradeoff is being more susceptible to various eye diseases. Women […]
With profound sadness…
It is with a very heavy heart that we share with you that Bernadette–our lifelong friend and team member–passed into God’s arms yesterday morning (Saturday Feb. 20) after a years-long battle with cancer. Her indomitable spirit and courage will continue to inspire us throughout our life times. Please keep her and her family in your […]
Are You Missing Something?
Are you missing something? Crayons, check. Notebook, check. Backpack, check. Have you seen your Eye Doctor yet? NO?! Then you’re not quite ready! 1 of every 4 children has an undetected vision problem that interferes with his/her learning. Vision screenings at school test only a small part of the visual skills that your child needs […]
How do you find an eye doctor?
How do you find an eye doctor? Your Eye Care Doctor “There is no limit to what we can accomplish when it doesn’t matter who gets the credit.” This quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson seems anathema to the world we live in: People are clamoring left and right to make sure that they get noticed, get […]